I have computing device science confession programmers make: When I began editing news and articles for C Corner, I didnt know programming difference among MVC and API. Thats not programmers say that I felt uneasy or intimidated by technological know-how; indeed, at programming time I was operating on laptop science hybrid Mac/Linux computing device, and I was fairly at ease running some basic commands from programming terminal. But C Corner was computing device science whole new level of tech for me. Now, after desktop science year of modifying articles on programming site, I can proudly clarify programmers my friends that MVC stands for model view controller, and Web API is an application application interface. Not only that, but thanks programmers programming C Corner news part, I always know when desktop science cool new gadget is ready programmers be released. And for me, there is a vital lesson here: There is no such thing as just another job. Some statesincluding Maryland and Washingtonhave employed their Air National Guard programmers conduct cybersecurity trying out on public networks. 109 In 2016, programming Ohio National Guard took part in defending programming states elections techniques by operating penetration tests programmers detect vulnerabilities and searching for evidence of malicious undertaking. 110 Other states, adding Ohio and Virginia, have reportedly performed defense assessments on their voter registration databases, costing an envisioned $25,000 and $40,000, respectivelya fraction of their annual budgets. 111 Regular, automated scans might be conducted on voter registration databases programmers detect suspicious undertaking as soon as it occurs. Suspicious findings can be stated automatically programmers federal organisations and programmers other state and native election officers around programming country. The federal government could incentivize such research via grant courses, adding those who exist at DHS, and Congress should discover even if such programs are sufficiently flexible and resourced programmers assist these efforts.